World’s 1st
professional networking &
talent hiring app for the
Entertainment World
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Mobile App to Experience the Full Potential
of the Platform
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Users can upload their content like how it works on any
other platform. Your Newsfeed will be personalized according to your
preferences, your connections, the people you follow and your interests.
Get a detailed summary about your applicants‘ status
for each job call regarding, how many have applied, how many have been contacted
and how many have been messaged and how many have responded.
LetsFAME messenger enables you to chat with users in
real time. Create Groups & get added to groups. Chat with all your job
recruiters and applicants in one place.
Get your own personalised Jobs Dashboard that gives you
an overall summary about your job analytics - Number of job ads posted, job’s
status, total money spent, number of applicants & much more!